Frequent Asked Questions

Non-fungible” means that it is completely unique. “Token” means that it can be transferred on a blockchain.  Essentially, NFTs are assets that carry a unique digital identity and can be traded between users on a public blockchain like Ethereum.

Common examples of NFTs include artwork, trading cards, comic books, sports collectibles, games and more. Although NFTs tend to be associated with artwork, they represent much more.

Here is an excellent YouTube  tutorial on block chain and what NFT’s are.

  1. A digital ledger keeps a record of all transactions taking place on a peer-to-peer network.
  2. All information transferred via blockchain is encrypted and every occurrence recorded, meaning it cannot be altered.
  3. It is decentralized, so there is no need for any central certifying authority.
  4. It can be used for more that the transfer of currency.  It can be use for contracts, records, and any other forms of digital data.
  5. Encrypted information can be shared across multiple providers without risk of privacy breach
  6. Allows you to attach proof of ownership to digital items such as artwork.
  1. Generate Artwork Library – We work with the artists to help them understand the details needed to create their Base Character and traits.
  2. Setup Marketing Channels – We create a Discord Server and work with inflencers across Discord, Instagram, and Twitter to promote thier release
  3. Tokenize Artwork – We handle the details on creating the Tokens needed to get their items into the block chain.  A very technical and expensive process.
  4. List Artwork – We list their artwork in to the OpenSea Marketplace for sale.